Chapter 11

Integrated Pest Management on Organic Farms


1. Caldwell, Brian, Eric Sideman, Abby Seaman, Anthony Shelton, and Christine Smart. 2013. Resource Guide to Organic Insect and Disease Management. 2nd ed. Cornell University, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station: Geneva, New York.
2. Chen, Ruizhi, Kellen Crawford, Cristina Davis, Reza Ehsani, Stavros Vougioukas, and Shrinivasa Upadhyaya. 2015. The Drones are Coming: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Agriculture. Citrograph, 6 (4).
3. Delahaut, Karen. 2004. Scouting Vegetables for Pests. University of Wisconsin, Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems: Madison, Wisconsin.
4. Dufour, Rex. 2001. Biointensive Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA): Fayetteville, Arkansas.
5. Majumdar, Ayanava and Timothy Reed. 2013. Pheromone Traps for Monitoring Insect Pests. Alabama A&M University, Alabama Cooperative Extension System: Huntsville, Alabama. Publication ANR-1431.
6. Newman, Julie P., Cheryl A. Wilen, Karen L. Robb, James A. Bethke, and John N. Kabashima. 2014. Integrated Pest Management. Container Nursery Production and Business Management Manual (Julie P. Newman, ed.). University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources: Richmond, California. Publication 3540.

Click on the following topics for more information on integrated pest management on organic farms.