Manure Management on Organic Farms
1. ASAE (American Society of Agricultural Engineers). 2005. Manure Production and Characteristics. ASAE Standards D384.2. St. Joseph, Michigan.
2. Baker, Brian. 2012. Organic Practice Guide. In: Organic Production Handbook (Karen McSwain, ed.). Pittsboro, North Carolina: Carolina Farm Stewardship Association.
3. Beegle, Douglas. 1997. Estimating Manure Application Rates. Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania State University Cooperative Extension: State College, Pennsylvania. Agronomy Facts 55.
4. Coleman, Pamela. 2012. Guide for Organic Crop Producers. Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA): Fayetteville, Arkansas.
5. Crouse, David A., Joseph P. Zublena, James C. Barker, and Janet Young. Improving Storage, Handling, and Disposal of Animal Waste. North Carolina State University, North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension: Raleigh, North Carolina. Publication AG-566-7.
6. Dimitri, Carolyn, Loni Kemp, Jane Sooby, and Elizabeth Sullivan. 2012. Organic Farming for Health and Prosperity. Organic Farming and Research Foundation: Santa Cruz, California.
7. Fisher, Madeline. 2011. Manure Incorporation in No-till Systems. Crops & Soils, May-June.
8. Kuepper, George. 2003. Manures for Organic Crop Production. Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA): Fayetteville, Arkansas.
9. Harrison, John D. 2004. Types of Manure Storage: Process Improvement for Animal Feeding Operations. Utah State University, Utah State University Extension: Logan, Utah. Publication AG-AWM-01-2.
10. Hernandez, Jose A. and Michael A. Schmitt. 2012. Manure Management in Minnesota. University of Minnesota Extension Service: Minneapolis, Minnesota. Publication WW-03553.
11. Lupis, S.G., J.G. Davis, and N. Embertson. 2012. Best Management Practices for Reducing Ammonia Emissions: Manure Application. Colorado State University, Colorado State University Extension: Fort Collins, Colorado. Fact Sheet No. 1.631D.
12. Magdoff, Fred and Harold Van Es. 2009. Building Soils for Better Crops: Sustainable Soil Management. Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE): College Park, Maryland.
13. Olson-Rutz, Kathrin, Clain Jones, and Perry Miller. 2010. Soil Nutrient Management on Organic Grain Farms in Montana. Montana State University Extension: Bozeman, Montana. Publication EB0200.
14. Pettygrove, G.S., A.L. Heinrich, and D.M. Crohn. 2009. Manure Nitrogen Mineralization. University of California, University of California Cooperative Extension.
15. Pfost, Donald L., Charles D. Fulhage, and Otte Alber. 2001. Land Application Equipment for Animal and Poultry Manure Management. University of Missouri Cooperative Extension: Columbia, Missouri.
16. Rahman, Shafiqur. 2012. Options for Land Application of Solid Manure. North Dakota State University, North Dakota State University Extension Service: Fargo, North Dakota. Publication NM1613.
17. Rieck-Hinz, Angela, Thomas G. Miller, and John E. Sawyer. 2011. How to Interpret Your Manure Analysis. Iowa State University, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. PM 3014.
18. Risse, Mark. 2012. Land Application of Animal and Poultry Manure. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service: Athens, Georgia. Circular 826.
19. Rosen, Carl J. and Peter M. Bierman. 2005. Using Manure and Compost as Nutrient Sources for Vegetable Crops. University of Minnesota, University of Minnesota Extension Service: Minneapolis, Minnesota.
20. Rosen, Carl J. and Peter M. Bierman. 2005. Maintaining Soil Fertility in an Organic System. University of Minnesota, University of Minnesota Extension Service: Minneapolis, Minnesota.
21. Sawyer, John E. and Antonio P. Mallarino. 2008. Using Manure Nutrients for Crop Production. Iowa State University, Iowa State University Extension: Ames, Iowa. PMR 1003.
22. Sheffield, Ron. 2001. Land Application Equipment. Iowa State University: Ames, Iowa.
23. White, Charlie, Mary Barbercheck, and Sjoerd Dulker. 2015. Soil Health and Biological Properties. In: Penn State Organic Crop Production Guide (White, Charlie White, Mary Barbercheck, and William Curran, eds.). State College, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University. Publication: AGRS-124.
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